
Tag Archives: love poetry

Do I have fire inside

Eating me alive

Or am I hostage to depths of my mind

The casual links

The sensations of it

Some nights I dream of dying

Others I dream of losing my daughter

Rarely I dream of losing you

But when I do

I’m torn asunder

I want to give you everything you deserve

But I’m always fighting this pain

this fire inside

I want it to end so I can make us whole

Give it time, I said

But maybe my time is running low

Maybe I made the gravest mistakes

The ones they talk about over dinner tables

The idiocy of man

The unforgivable sins of fear

I want to give you everything you deserve

This fire will be stamped out, into ashes it will fade

I will rise again, the former person

once lost on the eastern edge of the world

The invisible strands


Pulling me south

She dwells alone

But her heart

Thunders – heard from the eastern edge

I’m bringing her

Love, find a space in my previous life

Where frustration lied, impetus for escape

Find a space in my old home

Where the past melts away

That warmth you had It slowly cools

Blankets wrap around your heart

Protecting itself from the icy winds

But you are wrong

It will cause you no pain

The winds shall settle

Heat will return

I’ll be yours, holding you through these cold winters which grip your body

Waiting for the summer, when your eyes sparkle as you smile

When the warmth returns

And that inner fire you possess which conquered me

Becomes strong enough to conquer the world again.

When the sun sets,

This frenzied city awakens

The turmoil of night

Saigon erupts

We dodge and weave across the streets

Hands locked, ignoring the sapping heat

I never want to let go

A slight breeze enlivens us

On one of the city’s myriad rooftops

The blur of beer

I am so close to you now

I brush your hair aside

Hold you, ignore the prying eyes

It is you and I

Alone in the sea of voices

Our lips touch, the world flickers and falls into darkness

We become light

Chasing away the shadows

My heart was whole once

Dancing under starlight

Formless bodies floating around me

Then the hurricane

An inescapable surge

Blew away the shadows and shades

And revealed you

Twisted love, thin slivers of fabric

Binding me to a post

I resisted

Breaking the frame

Snapping our hearts

My heart

is dormant again

Words are never enough

Even with my words, I cannot salvage the dead

Change the permanent

Looking down on the chaotic streets

I type words and more words

They never lift the darkness

But they shield me from succumbing to its weight

I lost her in the dead of night

The world twisting and turning around us

Now she will fade away and so will I

Into the mists of memory

Into the darkness which soars above menacingly

I’ve lost you

On this plain of desire

A once furtive land

Now desolate

Charcoal coloured mountains

Deep, dark hollows

We are unfolding

Blackened feet

Naked limbs

No heat

I traversed
That long road between us
Winding through caverns, over steep cliffs
You were my mark, my desire

That road is long cast in shadow
Time has taken shape, eroded away feeling
I’m lost now